Diversity & Dialogue
For Being the change
2d4b is an international community listening to muted voices so co-response-ability emerges.
It nurtures Dialogue to celebrate Diversity and Be the change we wish to see in the world. 2d4b aims to enhance:- expression and listening of publics usually little or badly taken into account,
- the sharing of opinions to surface a nuanced, astute, sensible and grounded collective intelligence.
It is a NGO under French law (association loi 1901) since 2009.
Our values
Dialogue is the ability to raise, hold and converse on profound questions. It has a heritage of many thousands years.
Building on David Bohm’s, 2d4b convenes dialogues. We provide deep attention to how each individual contributes to the world and allow collective sense-making to emerge.
«The first people had questions and the earth flourished,
the second people had answers and the earth perished»
- Native American Chief.
Diversity refers to visible differences -e.g. gender, ethnicity, age, physical abilities, language, dress code- and invisible differences -e.g. work experience, education, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religious or political beliefs.
2d4b promotes inclusion of this diversity to make the most of all differences. Away from ghetto and quota mentalities, we mix people from as varied backgrounds and ways of being as possible. We foster environments where 1+1=4
"Uniformity is death, diversity is life".
Be the change
Any change -from the smallest to the largest- is ignited through individuals changing from within. At 2d4b, we do not believe in imposed top down change. Instead, we want to support purposeful and long lasting change.
2d4b uses diversity & dialogue to help individuals challenge their own assumptions, explore and understand better other people’s views, and individually and collectively define the change they truly aspire to see around themselves, as well as what it requires from them personally.
2d4b members are by no means perfect individuals who have figured things out. They are brave human beings willing to reflect, question, meditate, listen, reconsider, adapt. Being ourselves on a personal quest, we help others through shared itineraries on their personal and collective quests.
«Be the change you wish to see in the world»
Our offer
2d4b members host dialogues for volunteer citizens to explore issues without a pre-determined idea of the follow-up actions. We enable profound change within each participant through authentic exchange with diverse human beings in a structured and nurturing environment.
All individuals from all horizons are welcome to our events.
3 hours...
free of charge, they allow to experiment with dialogue in a safe space, to connect deeply and learn from each other.
Participants leave empowered with a stronger sense of their own purpose in the whole.
How does this enfold ?
Sitting in circle, without a leader; we dialogue around questions or paradoxes after a proper individual check-in.
Dialogic programs,
3 days...
based on dialogue, our developmental programs allow individual and collective transformation in 1 to 4 days.
3 months...
with a committed group of individuals, we journey collectively following dialogic methods.
- Malgasy / French: on microfinance, womanhood
- Explorations for couples.
- Co-development for women.
Our blog
February 4, 2015Most people will say, “oh, the world is interdependent. Isn’t it that cool?” But they don’t know what the hell they’re talking about, frankly. Or “it’s all organic.” They don’t know what that means. But you can write down a mathematical equation now and do an experiment– and I’ve done such...April 3, 2014A fantastic talk from Leslie T. Chang to share the voices of Chinese female workers. Going beyond our self-centered way of seeing the world, she is offering their perspective, what matters to them, how inspiring they are, what we can learn from them, and some insights on how we could help them.September 20, 2013Catalyst produced a well written, thorough and poignant research showing how dialogue enables to explore, see, welcome differences in a way that helps all parties in the system. Beyond discussion or debate, dialogue promotes an open mind and heart. Please read on the full Catalyst research and...Our members
1) Active membres are called Hands. They host and participate in dialogues, listening to muted voices, and doing their best to be the change they wish to see in the world. They give generously their time, network, space (personal and work). Click here for Code of Conduct for Hands.
2) Members of the Board of Trustees support the objectives of 2d4b. They are distinct from the members so they can effectively control strategic, ethical and financial actions of 2d4b.
For LinkedIn profils of each member, click on their name. For their email address, click on their title.
To get in touch, join our group on LinkedIn or use our email contact under our names.
You are welcome to come and test methods out without further commitment.
Considering becoming member? Check this Code of Conduct describing Hands expectations. Members give and receive a hand, to move along their own personal journey while conversing authentically with people different to them. We welcome all individuals with positive energies. Please subscribe or donate through this form.
The annual membership fee is of 10 € per person per year. We hope all interested members can afford it so cost is not a barrier to participation. If you can contribute more, thank you for your donation. Donations allow to finance bursaries for participants from socially excluded groups who couldn’t afford to participate otherwise. So far, donations have ranged from €10 to €1500. Thank you for your generosity.
To pay and donate, please proceed by bank transfer (Bank details here: RIB 2d4b).
Alternatively, donations can be made via Paypal with a 1,4% fee taken by Paypal from each donation. Please use the Donate button below ("Faire un don") to pay using Paypal.
Despite the small amount of the annual fee, we decided not to accept cash to have full transparency of money flows.
If you have further questions, use the form below,
- to know more about our work,
- if you are a firm, NGO, mayor house,... willing to expand collective intelligence in your organisation,
- if you are an individual willing to truly meet diverse beings,
- if you want to be heard, and be a change agent...
... read from you soon!
Thank you for the energy and trust you’re giving to 2d4b.
Copyright © 2010 - 2016 2d4b.